Resources for Tutors
- Description
- Curriculum
This is a sample course page with the intention of showing an instructor/Tutor what a course page could look like. Most of the content on this page can be adapted and customised to reflect any specific branding.
Lessons in a course can be either text-based or video lessons.
Quizzes can be multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blanks, matching pairs
Assignments are usually essay type questions where students have to submit a response and the instructor needs to approve the assignment to be marked complete.
A certificate can be awarded at the end of the course if desired. The certificate can be customised based on the need and comes with a digital verification code.
Go ahead and click the “Curriculum” tab at the top. We have a sample list of lessons, quizzes and assignments that we currently use on the NUA campus courses.
1Intelligent Transportation35:03
2ITS Scientific Conference01:15:17
3Intelligent Transportation Systems For Smart cities (for MENA region)35:00
4International Forum on ITS04:10:06
5Design Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) Platform as an Intermediary50:38
62023 New Mobility: Post-Pandemic New Mobility Strategies03:39:26
7Urban Transformation: The Impact of New Mobility Solutions on City Landscapes40:12
8Mobility as a Service and Circular Economy43:33
9MaaS & ITS Exchange Session01:03:34
10E bus deployment worldwide. An exchange with SOLUTIONSplus expert01:08:25
11E bus deployment worldwide. An exchange with SOLUTIONSplus expertVideo lesson
12MaaS & ITS Exchange SessionVideo lesson
13Liveable Cities13:47
14Traffic Management13:16
15Restriction of Behaviour13:29
16Standards & MaaS - NAPCORE in the Context of MaaS16:53
17Standards & MaaS - Leverage the existing & Adapt to your needs27:15
18MaaS Alliance Playbook09:18
19Public and Private sector roles in MaaS schemes16:22
20Public v Private MaaS Debate - Finnish Act on Transport Services08:44
22Journey Planning09:45
23Customer Needs and inclusivity11:22
24E-mobility and Behaviour Change: Lessons from the Coventry Mobility Credits trial08:11
25E-mobility and Behaviour Change: GO-HI Platform10:00
26Digitisation of Information13:08
27What is MaaS?17:00
28Webinar: 'Digital Solutions for Mapping Informal Transport'Video lesson
29Improving informal transport in eastern Africa with Tom CourtrightVideo lesson
30Electrifying Informal Transportation in IndiaVideo lesson
31Paratransit reforms in Lagos and KumasiVideo lesson
32The Vital Role of Paratransit in Sustainable Urban MobilityVideo lesson
33Experts exchange on electrification of paratransit servicesVideo lesson
34Key takeaways regarding e-paratransit implementation projectsVideo lesson
35Case study: The implementation of e-cargo bikes in Quito, EcuadorVideo lesson
36Deployment of electric 2-wheelers paratransit servicesVideo lesson
37Deployment of 3-wheelers paratransit servicesVideo lesson
38Deployment of electric 4-wheelers paratransit servicesVideo lesson
39Case Study: the PUVMP in the PhilippinesVideo lesson
40Elaboration of an Efficient Communication StrategyVideo lesson
41Involving New Operators: Paratransit Electrification as a Lever to Include WomenVideo lesson
42Co-creation of Electric Paratransit ServicesVideo lesson
43Leveraging Public Transport Reform to Introduce Electric Vehicles in KigaliVideo lesson
44Collecting Data to Plan for Electrification of Paratransit ServicesVideo lesson
45Developing a Systematic Approach on E-mobilityVideo lesson
46Actions and Strategies at the Local LevelVideo lesson
47Guiding Principles for E-paratransit ImplementationVideo lesson
48Case Study: IndiaVideo lesson
49Developing the Industry at the National LevelVideo lesson
50Incentives to Enhance the E-paratransit Industry at the National LevelVideo lesson
51Regulatory and Legal Frameworks for E-paratransitVideo lesson
52National Policies on E-paratransitVideo lesson
53Electrification of ParatransitVideo lesson
54Overview of the Paratransit Sector: Definition and Typology of Paratransit ServicesVideo lesson
55M3.4.1. Les fondements de la sécurité pour les piétons et les cyclistesText lesson
56M3.4.2. Guide sur l’aménagement des carrefours au MarocText lesson
57M3.3.1 Promouvoir la mobilité active partagée. Développer des systèmes de vélo en libre-serviceText lesson
58M3.2.3 Promouvoir le vélo à assistance électrique comme levier d’attraction vers la mobilité activeText lesson
59M3.2.2 Réguler et planifier la micromobilité dans les villesText lesson
60M3.2.1 Soutenir l'essor de véhicules électriques légers et actifsText lesson
61M3.1.7. Financer la mobilité activeText lesson
62M3.1.6 Collecter des données sur la mobilité activeText lesson
63M3.1.5 Mobiliser l'échelle du quartier pour améliorer les conditions de mobilité active au niveau localText lesson
64M3.1.4. Développer les composantes d’un système vélo. L’approche de BerlinText lesson
65M3.1.3. Mobiliser un éventail de leviers incitatifs. Etude de cas en Argentine et TunisieText lesson
66M3.1.2 Replacer les besoins des piétons et cyclistes au centre de la planificationText lesson
67M3.1.1 Promouvoir la mobilité active pour des villes plus durables et inclusivesText lesson
68Module 3 - Promouvoir la mobilité activeText lesson
69Planning the e-mobility for all - Importance of Stakeholder Engagement11:19
70Developing a systematic approach on e-mobility10:32
71Guiding Principles for e-paratransit Implementation15:46
72M1.12 Lectures supplémentaires optionnellesText lesson
73M1.11 Financer les politiques de décarbonation du transport urbainText lesson
74M1.10. Les systèmes de transport intelligent. Des outils stratégiques pour construire les systèmes de mobilitéText lesson
75M1.9.2. Modalités pratiques pour organiser des Journées Sans Voiture comme outil au service d_une politique de report modalText lesson
76M1.9.1. Mobiliser des approches collaboratives innovantesText lesson
77M1.8 Collecter les données de manière alternativeText lesson
78M1.7.2. Electrifier le transport de marchandises en villeText lesson
79M1.7.1 Décarboner le Transport de Marchandises en VilleText lesson
80M1.6.2. Politiques et mesures à mettre en place au sein des villesText lesson
81M1.6.1. Rôle de la mobilité électrique au sein de la mobilité urbaine durableText lesson
82M1.5. Urbanisme tactique_ identifier des solutions de mobilité urbaine durable à l_échelle d_un quartierText lesson
83M1.4 Gérer la demande de transportText lesson
84M1.3. Planifier des systèmes de mobilités intégrésText lesson
85M1.2 Planifier des villes sobres en carboneText lesson
86M1.1. Décarboner la mobilité urbaine - Enjeux et stratégiesText lesson
87M2.4.3 Leçons sur le déploiement de bus électriques à grande échelle. L’expérience de Santiago du ChiliText lesson
88National policies to develop e-paratransit25:05
89M 2.4.2 Bus électriques Coûts, acquisition et opérationText lesson
90M 2.4.1 Bus électriques Développements, technologies et infrastructures de rechargeText lesson
91M 2.3.3 L'intégration de la billettique et des tarifsText lesson
92M 2.3.2 L'intégration physique. Le cas des Pôles d'Echanges MultimodauxText lesson
93M 2.3.1. Permettre l'intermodalité, pilier de l'intégration des systèmes de mobilitéText lesson
94M2.2.3 Etude de cas. BRT et ITS à MadridText lesson
95M2.2.1 Bus rapid transit (BRT): Meilleurs pratiques et écueils à éviterText lesson
96M2.2.2. Utiliser les STI pour améliorer les bus urbainsText lesson
97M2.1.2 La gouvernance des mobilités urbainesText lesson
98M2.1.1. Introduction à la planification du transport publicText lesson
99Présentation du Module 2Text lesson
100Electrification of Paratransit Systems10 questions
101Electric buses and last mile electrification10 questions
102Electrification of Public TransportQuiz
103Public Transport: The big picture10 questions
104Reading Material for Week 43 hours
105The Case Study of Quito, Ecuador8:46
106Electrification of Paratransit4:09
107Deployment of 2-wheeler Paratransit10:42
108Deloyment of 3-wheeler paratransit10:12
109Deployment of e 4-wheeler e-paratransit facilities and services13:48
110Case Study: Leveraging Public Transport Reform to Introduce EVs10:42
111Case study: Leveraging Public Transport Reform to Introduce EVs10:42
112Electrification of Paratransit Services - Actions and Strategies at local level2:50
113Planning for e-paratransit Projects - Importance of Data Collection11:54
114Training for urban mobility and planners10:31
115Guiding Principles for e-mobility implementation15:46
116Incentives to enhance e-paratransit at national level11:55
117Regulatory Framework and Legal Framework for e-paratransit9:55
118Actions and Strategies at National Level25:05
119Electrification of Paratransit Services15:42
120Opportunities and Global Trends of E-Mobility15:41
This video is developed by the PEM Motion and the GIZ's TUMI Initiative.
121EV's Forecast8:30
This video is developed by the PEM Motion and the GIZ's TUMI Initiative.
122Benefits of E-Mobility7:32
This video is developed by the PEM Motion and the GIZ's TUMI Initiative.
123Which parts of the EV differ from the ICE7:27
This video is developed by the PEM Motion and the GIZ's TUMI Initiative.
124Social Consequences of Raw Material Mining5:08
PEM/TUMI - Need Youtube link
125Necessity and Challenges of the Circular Economy10:05
PEM/TUMI - Need Youtube link
126Global Distribution of Battery Materials, Refinery, and Production Sites10:12
PEM/TUMI - Need Youtube link
127Global Competition in Battery Production9:41
PEM/TUMI - Need Youtube link
128Challenges and Success Factors for Recycling Companies6:19
PEM/TUMI - Need Youtube link
129Battery Function Principle4:16
PEM/TUMI - Need Youtube link
130Second Life Batteries: The Solution For Sustainable Mobility?10:22
Assessing the big advantage of "second life batteries" for a more environmentally friendly repurposing and re-use of electric vehicle batteries.
131Second life battery uses9:26
Explore post-EV battery options: dispose, recycle, reuse, or repurpose. Discover the eco-friendly revolution of Electric Scooters/Bikes Repurposing, Off-grid Solar Hubs, Self-Consumption Systems, and Utility Grid Support.
132Second life Electric Vehicle Batteries19:02
E-learning on critical facets of circular design, extending battery lifespan through repair and repurposing, and navigating the recycling process. With real-life cases and insights from Sub-Saharan Africa uncovering the challenges, opportunities, and the transformative potential this knowledge holds for individuals engaged in sustainable urban mobility and renewable energy sectors.
133Batteries for electric buses: the basics14:07
A closer look into batteries for electric vehicles and assessing the types and technologies for the right application
134Batteries for electric buses: the basics10:31
Batteries for electric vehicles with a focus on battery management systems and recycling processes
135What is Public Transit System?5:44
What is Public Transit System? Cities play a vivacious role in helping economic development & prosperity. The growth of cities mainly depends upon their social, physical, social and established infrastructure. Public Transit Systems are one form of the transport system, which provide mobility, flexibility & accessibility to urban people.
136E-mobility in the transport system20:05
Why the mobility and energy transitions are interlinked? A closer look at e-mobility around the globe, energy efficient applications of e-mobility and necessary prerequisites for a mobility transition and how embedding e-mobility solutions into the ASI framework generates multiple benefits for the sector’s sustainable transformation.
137E-mobility in the transport system20 minutes
Why the mobility and energy transitions are interlinked? A closer look at e-mobility around the globe, energy efficient applications of e-mobility and necessary prerequisites for a mobility transition and how embedding e-mobility solutions into the ASI framework generates multiple benefits for the sector’s sustainable transformation.
138Why we need Public Transport8:41
Why a comfortable, liveable city is impossible without high-quality public transportation - in terms of economics, ecology, and also geometry.
139Electric buses and integration into public transport systems18:20
140Why we need Public Transport8 minutes
141Planning for public transport20:44
Looking at the qualitative aspects of planning public transport from an implementation perspective and why especially we need public transport with users as a focus
142Integrating e-scooters into public transport10:53
A look into how we can revolutionise how we get around, without pollution and without having to own a vehicle.
143Integrating all public and shared mobility options into a one-stop-shop4:45
The public transport authority in Berlin launched a mobility app that integrates all public and shared mobility options into a one-stop-shop. Here's a look at understand the idea behind, and how the city implemented it.
144Shaping sustainable mobility in cities through micro-mobility6:35
How have various micro-mobility companies changed mobility? A look into TIER's journey.
145Integrating e-scooters into public transport9:58
The video looks into case of integrating e-scooters into public transport through a real life pilot project.
146Financing and procurement models for e-bus implementation: Santiago de Chile14:18
The video focuses on economics of e-buses and highlights financing and procurement models for e-bus implementation.
147Planning, procurement and commissioning of e-buses: Case of Madrid13:18
The video highlights a case in Madrid on planning procurement and how to commission e-buses and charging infrastructure.
148The Procurement and Commissioning Process12:12
E-learning on the procurement and commissioning of e-buses.
149Optimised fleet operation13:01
The video details how to optimise e-bus fleet operation.
150Key elements for a successful e-bus operation9:13
Video highlights tools for e-bus management and optimisation, smart use of energy and customer-oriented service.
151System Specifications11:40
How to design a system for an e-bus operation.
152Introduction to the development of e-bus operations7:25
Introduction to the development of e-bus operations, system approach and a look into EU projects on e-buses.
153Part 4: Electric bus situation in Africa11:06
How e-buses contribute to make public transport competitive and achieve sustainability in our cities. Part 4 highlights electrification of e-buses and integration into cities' public transport system with case studies in Europe.
154Part 3: Electric bus situation in Europe18:49
How e-buses contribute to make public transport competitive and achieve sustainability in our cities. Part 3 highlights electrification of e-buses and integration into cities' public transport system with case studies in Europe.
155Part 2: Electric bus situation in Indonesia10:46
How e-buses contribute to make public transport competitive and achieve sustainability in our cities. Part 2 highlights electrification of e-buses and integration into cities' public transport system with case studies in Indonesia.
156Part 1: Electric bus situation in China12:47
How e-buses contribute to make public transport competitive and achieve sustainability in our cities. Part 1 highlights electrification of e-buses and integration into cities' public transport system with case studies in China.
157Electrification of electric buses and integration into cities’ public transport systems15:51
How e-buses contribute to make public transport competitive and achieve sustainability in our cities.
158Part 2: Charging solutions for electric buses13:18
Having closer look at Charging solutions for e-buses: Overnight charging system and opportunity charging system. After this lesson, you should be able to explain the benefits of different charging systems for e-buses.
159Part 1: Charging technologies for heavy-duty electric vehicles10:15
Overview of charging technologies and charging approaches using real examples and use cases to have an understanding of various charging strategies and technologies.
160Global overview on electric buses20:54
Global overview of e-buses highlighting mobility trends and growth opportunities, e-bus powertrain and technologies, existing markets and outlook, technology roadmaps.
161Quick guide to bus sector modernization9:41
Focus on electric mobillity beyond electric cars and public transport challenges, what needs to be done.
162Introduction to electric buses15:51
The video highlights basics of public transport electrification, e-bus operations today, and key aspects of impacts of charging infrastructure on urban space.
163Instruments for financing sustainable urban mobility - international optionsText lesson
164Instruments for financing sustainable urban mobility - national optionsText lesson
165Instruments for financing sustainable urban mobility - local optionsText lesson
166Instruments for financing sustainable urban mobilityText lesson
167E-mobility in SUMPText lesson
168Assessing e-mobility (Example from the Philippines)Text lesson
169Mobility as a serviceText lesson
170Sustainable electric mobilityText lesson
171Planning for public transportText lesson
172Understanding demand for active mobility - Part 2Text lesson
173Understanding demand for active mobility - Part 1Text lesson
174Modelling demand for active mobility - Part 2Text lesson
175Modelling demand for active mobility - Part 1Text lesson
176Planning for active mobility - CyclingText lesson
177Planning for active mobility - WalkingText lesson
178Urban design and transport for low carbon citiesText lesson
179A global overview: The sustainability challengeText lesson
180IntroductionText lesson
181UVARs, LEZ and ZEZ as enablers for climate-neutrality16:47
182Charging Infrastructure Planning in Public Areas01:00:11
183Financing options for e-mobility15:22
184National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programs09:18
185Integrated Planning for E-mobility: emobility in SUMP20:42
186Integrating Energy and Mobility - Needs, synergies and examples06:05
187Integrating Energy and Mobility in low and middle income countries16:18
188Social dimension of electric mobility07:41
189Roles in e-mobility10:14
190Getting e-mobility right: Opportunities and requirements (Part 2)06:31
191Getting e-mobility right: Opportunities and requirements (Part 1)14:17
192Regional context for electric mobility - Africa08:26
193A global overview: the sustainability challenge06:19
194Existing examples of smart microgridsText lesson
195Tools for Optimizing and Sizing Storage SystemsText lesson
196Energy management systems (EMS) for the optimisation of the profitability of PV electricity self-consumptionText lesson
197Climate-proofing, resilience and adaptationText lesson
198Smart grid integration models: The role of smart metersText lesson
199Technologies and smart micro-grid integrationText lesson
200Introduction to smart micro grid systemsText lesson
201Introduction to smart micro grid systemsVideo lesson
202Post Course SurveyText lesson
203Safe e-waste handling. Collection and disposal of e-wasteText lesson
204Second life repurposing and recycling of Lithium-ion Electric Vehicle Batteries (Repurposing)Text lesson
205Second life repurposing and recycling of Lithium-ion Electric Vehicle BatteriesText lesson
206Second life battery management, maintenance and safetyText lesson
207Second life batteries uses, in less demanding applicationsText lesson
208Circular design and the value chainText lesson
209Basics for second life batteries (SLB)Text lesson
210Second life batteries uses, in less demanding applicationsVideo lesson
211Circular design and the value chainVideo lesson
212Basics for second life batteries (SLB)Video lesson
213Providing information on energyText lesson
214Establishing village information spot (InfoSpot)Text lesson
215Competence centre for connectivity and regional informationText lesson
216Digital inclusion and sustainable development in rural regionsText lesson
217Rural access to informationText lesson
218Electric Mobility Business Models and Exploitation PathwaysText lesson
219Cost-effective and suitable EV charging managementText lesson
220Maintenance and Safety of Evs and batteriesText lesson
221Retrofitting of fuel-based vehicles to EV and otherText lesson
222Productive use cases in EV. Rural and Urban contextText lesson
223E-mobility Planning and ImplementationText lesson
224Introduction to E-mobility. E-mobility in the sustainable development paradigmText lesson
225Safety for clean cooking solutionsText lesson
226Business models and delivery models for clean cooking solutionsText lesson
227Suitable condition for waste to energy installationsText lesson
228Installations, Operations, Maintenance for efficient Cook StovesText lesson
229Installations, Operations, Maintenance for efficient Cook StovesText lesson
230Installations, Operations, Maintenance for Biogas systemText lesson
231Technology options for clean cooking solutionsText lesson
232Sourcing and production or waste-to energy systemText lesson
233Treatment of organic waste: Anaerobic DigestionText lesson
234Basic clean cooking conceptsText lesson
235Solar PV system design exerciseText lesson
236Suitable conditions for PV installationsText lesson
237Solar energy application (productive use)Text lesson
238Maintenance and SafetyText lesson
239Installation and operation of solar systemsText lesson
240Sizing of solar electrification systemsText lesson
241Basics for solar energy and PV systemsText lesson
242Policy responses and conclusions from the PilotsText lesson
243Low Emission Zones in urban freight - examples from East Asian cities11:18
244Test 1: Urban mobility transition1 questions
245Test 2: Living labs3 questions
246Test 3: Policy responses1 questions
247Test 31 questions
248Test 11 questions
249Test 41 questions
250Test 51 questions
251Test 61 questions
252Test 31 questions
253Test 21 questions
254Lesson 7 Solar PV design exercise quiz5 questions
255Lesson 1: Basics for solar energy and PV systems Quiz5 questions
256Lesson 3: Installations, Operations of solar PVs Quiz5 questions
257Lesson 2 Quiz: Sizing of solar electrification systemsQuiz
258Lesson 4: Maintenance and Safety of solar PVs Quiz5 questions
259Lesson 5: Solar energy application Quiz5 questions
260Lesson 6: Suitable conditions for PV installation Quiz6 questions
261Test 1Quiz
262Test 1: Basics for solar energy and PV systems5 questions
263Test 2: Sizing of solar electrification systems5 questions
264Test 3: Installation and operation of solar systems5 questions
265Test 4: Maintenance and Safety5 questions
266Test 5: Solar energy applications (productive use)5 questions
267Test 6: Suitable conditions for PV installations6 questions
268Test 7: Solar PV system design exercise5 questions
269Test 1: Basic clean cooking concepts5 questions
270Test 2: Treatment of organic waste: Anaerobic Digestion5 questions
271Test 4: Technology options for clean cooking solutions5 questions
272Test 6: Safety for clean cooking solutions4 questions
273Test 7: Suitable condition for waste to energy installations4 questions
274Test 8: Business models and delivery models for clean cooking solutions5 questions
275Test 1: E-mobility Planning and Implementation5 questions
276Test 2: Productive use cases in EV. Rural and Urban context5 questions
277Test 3: Retrofitting of fuel-based vehicles to EV and other6 questions
278Test 4: Maintenance and Safety of Evs and batteries5 questions
279Test 5: Cost-effective and suitable EV charging management5 questions
280Test 6: Electric Mobility Business Models and Exploitation Pathways6 questions
281Test 4: Providing information on energy4 questions
282Test 2: Competence centre for connectivity and regional information3 questions
283Test 3: Establishing village information spot (InfoSpot)4 questions
284Test 1: Digital inclusion and sustainable development in rural regions4 questions
285Test 1: Basics of Second-Life Batteries (SLB)5 questions
286Test 2: Circular Design and the Value Chain5 questions
287Test 3: Second-life batteries uses, in less demanding applications5 questions
288Test 4: Second-Life Battery management, maintenance and safety5 questions
289Test 5: Recycling and Repurposing8 questions
290Test 6: Safe e-waste handling4 questions
291Test 6: Existing examples of smart microgrids5 questions
292Test 4: Energy managment systems (ESMs) for the optimization of the profitability of PV electricity self-consumption7 questions
293Test 3: Climate proofing sustainable energy solutions5 questions
294Test 5: Tools for Optimizing and Sizing Storage Systems5 questions
295Test 2: Smart grid integration models7 questions
296Test 1: Technologies and smart grid integration5 questions
2972.1. 1 Test 1: Planifier le transport public (Partie 1)1 questions
298M2.1.2 Test 2: Gouvernance (Part 1)1 questions
299M2.2.1. Test 4: BRT (Partie 1)1 questions
300M2.2.2. Test 3: STIs1 questions
3012.3.1 Test 5: Permettre l’intermodalité (Partie 1)2 questions
3022.3.2 Test 6: Intégration physique et pôles d’échanges multimodaux (Partie 1)1 questions
3032.3.3 Test 7: Intégration tarifaire et billettique (Partie 1)1 questions
3042.4.1 Test 8: Bus électriques – Technologies et stratégies de recharge6 questions
3052.4.2 Test 9: Bus électriques – Coûts, modalités d’acquisition et opérations6 questions
306Electrification of Public Transport10 questions
307Test 3: M3.1.31 questions
308Test 6: M3.1.7 (Partie 1)1 questions
309Test 7: M3.2.11 questions
310Test 8: M3.2.2 (Partie 1)1 questions
311Test 9: M3.2.31 questions
312Test 10: M3.3.11 questions
313Paratransit Electrification Quiz 15 questions
314Paratransit Electrification Quiz 38 questions
315Paratransit Electrification Quiz 25 questions
316Paratransit Electrification Quiz 47 questions
317MaaS and ITS: Quiz 19 questions
318MaaS and ITS: Quiz 210 questions
319MaaS and ITS: Quiz 310 questions
320ElectricMobility: Quiz 410 questions
321ElectricMobility: Quiz 310 questions
322ElectricMobility: Quiz 110 questions
323ElectricMobility: Quiz 210 questions
324MaaS and ITS: Assignment 2Assignment
325Maas and ITS: Assignment 1Assignment
326Assignment 4: Developing an Electrification Strategy for Paratransit SystemsAssignment
327Assignment 2: Creating a Comprehensive E-Paratransit StrategyAssignment
328Assignment 3: Developing a Stakeholder Engagement FrameworkAssignment
329Assignment 1: Strategic Analysis for Paratransit ElectrificationAssignment
330Test 8: M3.2.2 (Partie 2)Assignment
331Test 6: M3.1.7 (Partie 2)Assignment
332Test 5: M3.1.6Assignment
333Test 4: M3.1.5Assignment
334Test 2: M3.1.2Assignment
335Test 1: M3.1.1Assignment
336Africa needs more public trannsportationAssignment
3372.3.2 Test 6: Intégration physique et pôles d’échanges multimodaux (Partie 3)Assignment
3382.3.1 Test 5: Permettre l’intermodalité (Partie 3)Assignment
3392.3.3 Test 7: Intégration tarifaire et billettique (Partie 2)Assignment
3402.3.2 Test 6: Intégration physique et pôles d’échanges multimodaux (Partie 2)Assignment
3412.3.1 Test 5: Permettre l’intermodalité (Partie 2)Assignment
342M2.2.1 Test 4: BRT (Partie 2)Assignment
3432.1 .1 Test 1: Planifier le transport public (Partie 2)Assignment
344M2.1.2 Test 2: Gouvernance (Part 2)Assignment
345Essay: Paratransit servicesAssignment
346Essay: Accelerating Electric Vehicle Battery RecyclingAssignment
347Prepare a short presentation to a client of your solution to transform public transport through electrificationAssignment
348Essay: Key elements of e-bus implementationAssignment
349Essay: Barriers for public transportation electrificationAssignment
350Assignment 4: Sustaining E-MobilityAssignment
351Assignment 2: Implementing e-mobilityAssignment
352Reading AssignmentAssignment
353Assignment 1: A Short essary on Electric MobilityAssignment
354Reading Material08:00:00
355Additional Reading08:00:00
356Reading Material for Week 42 hours
357Reading Material for Week 13 hours
358Reading Material for Week 33 hours
359Reading material for Week 23 hours
360Additional Reading for Week 402:00:00
361Additional videos for further information03:00:00
362Additional Reading for Week 302:00:00
363Additional Reading for Week 202:00:00
364Additional videos for further information04:00:00
365Additional Reading for Week 102:00:00
We have curated a list of selected reading material for you to read to get more perspective on electric mobility.

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