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Third African Clean Cities Platform Assembly

More than 100 cities form 42 countries from Africa will convene to exchange knowledge and share good practices towards Clean and Circular Africa Taking Place from 25 to 29 July, 2022. 25-29 July 2022 (12:00 to 15:00 EAT) Africa’s urbanization rate is 3.5%, the highest in the world. Due to the rapid urbanization in recent [...]

Africa Waste Webinar Series – Towards clean, healthy and circular cities in Africa – Webinar #5 Plastic Pollution from Waste – How to “stop the tap” of plastic leakage in African cities?

UN-Habitat, with support from The United Nations for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) and the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoMSSA) has been organizing the Africa Waste webinar series consisting of five webinars. The series aim to share knowledge and experiences to tackle common challenges in solid waste management observed in the African continent so that [...]

Waste Wise Education Webinar in South-Asia

An educational dimension in waste management initiatives is critical since it encourages people to become environmentally conscious and to induce behavioural change towards sustainable waste and resource management.  That’s why one of the action areas of Waste Wise Cities and African Clean Cities Platform is Advocacy and Education. In 2020, UN-Habitat selected 19 innovative waste education [...]

Africa Waste Webinar Series – Towards clean, healthy and circular cities in Africa – Webinar #4 Waste and Climate change: appropriate technologies and good practices in Africa

Africa’s urbanization rate is 3.5%, the highest in the world. Due to the rapid urbanization in recent years, municipal solid waste management has become a big challenge for many cities, as lower-income cities in Africa are expected to double their municipal solid waste generation within the next 15-20 years. UN-Habitat, with different partners, is working [...]

Africa Waste Webinar Series – Towards clean, healthy and circular cities in Africa – Webinar #3 How to Turn Open Dumpsites to Controlled Waste Disposal Facility in African Cities?

Africa’s urbanization rate is 3.5%, the highest in the world. Due to the rapid urbanization in recent years, municipal solid waste management has become a big challenge for many cities, as lower-income cities in Africa are expected to double their municipal solid waste generation within the next 15-20 years. UN-Habitat, with different partners, is working [...]

Africa Waste Webinar Series – Towards clean, healthy and circular cities in Africa – Webinar #2 COVID Waste: What Additional Challenge was Imposed on African Cities

Africa’s urbanization rate is 3.5%, the highest in the world. Due to the rapid urbanization in recent years, municipal solid waste management has become a big challenge for many cities, as lower-income cities in Africa are expected to double their municipal solid waste generation within the next 15-20 years. UN-Habitat, with different partners, is working [...]

Africa Waste Webinar Series – Towards clean, healthy and circular cities in Africa – Webinar #1 – Waste Collection: How to Improve Waste Collection Rate in African Cities?

Africa’s urbanization rate is 3.5%, the highest in the world. Due to the rapid urbanization in recent years, municipal solid waste management has become a big challenge for many cities, as lower-income cities in Africa are expected to double their municipal solid waste generation within the next 15-20 years. UN-Habitat, with different partners, is working [...]

Residuos Sólidos – Experiencias Innovadoras en Latinoamérica

El grupo de Educación ISWA YPG, junto con Waste Wise Cities de ONU-HABITAT, los capítulos locales del ISWA YPG Colombia y ISWA YPG Perú y sus aliados locales, ofreció el WEBINAR DE EDUCACIÓN AMBIENTAL EN RESIDUOS SÓLIDOS. En este webinar se presento el contexto latinoamericano sobre la educación ambiental en residuos sólidos, experiencias exitosas de [...]

Reducción de la Pérdida y Desperdicio de Alimentos – Compartiendo Buenas Prácticas Regionales en Latinoamérica

Aproximadamente el 14 % de la producción mundial de alimentos se pierde antes llegar a la mesa del consumidor y un porcentaje significativo se desperdicia siendo aun totalmente apto para el consumo humano. Asimismo, no solo se desperdician los alimentos no consumidos, sino todos los recursos utilizados para su producción, como la tierra, el agua, [...]

Deep Dive # 5: Semi-Aerobic Landfills – The Fukuoka Method

Our past Deep Dive webinars highlighted recovery options for different types of waste – e-waste, organic waste and dry recyclables. Although cities should strive to use these technologies as much as possible, there will almost always be a “rest” (residues/rejects) which will have to be disposed off in an environmentally sound way. One possibility to [...]

Deep Dive #4: Materials Recovery Facilities

The Urban Pathways project welcomes you to register to our upcoming webinars on Material Recovery Facilities. Two webinars are being offered on the topic. Waste Technology Deep Dive #4: Materials Recovery Facilities – Technologies (see recording below) Waste Technology Deep Dive #4: Materials Recovery Facilities - Design & Management (see recording below) These webinars dive [...]

Waste Wise Education: Exploring Effective Approaches & Best Practices

This webinar provided and demonstrated some tips for general and school waste education for all practitioners and people working in waste management and waste education. Also, it focused on not only providing practical information, but also exploring an effective approach that can be applied for business and social sectors, as well as a theory of [...]

Global Launch of Waste Wise Cities Tool

In our rapidly urbanizing world that features mostly unsustainable consumption and production patterns, addressing solid waste management and plastic pollution is becoming more pressing than ever before. However, reliable data and information on municipal solid waste generation and management is lacking globally, especially in cities in low- and middle-income countries. This lack of data hinders [...]

Deep Dive # 3: Treatment of Organic Waste – Black Soldier Fly Larvae Composting

This webinar looks at what Black Soldier Fly Larvae Composting is, what it can be used for, when it makes sense, etc. The fundamentals are presented by an expert from ETH Zürich / eawag,  followed by a practitioner’s perspective from Kenya. Polls during the webinar Presenters and speakers{{ vc_btn: title=Download+here&style=classic&color=primary&align=center&button_block=true&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Fdrive.google.com%252Ffile%252Fd%252F1-D-OSw1__e99ynaHRO0UihK3ujEoH2gN%252Fview%253Fusp%253Dsharing%7Ctarget%3A_blank }} Moritz Gold ETH Zürich, [...]

Deep Dive # 2: Treatment of Organic Waste: Anaerobic Digestion

In this webinar of the series we have an expert from Sandec / eawag explain the fundamentals of Anaerobic Digestion, followed by a practitioner’s perspective from Kochi, India. Polls during the webinar [/vc_column_inner] [/vc_row_inner]Presenters and Presenatation Maximilian Grau Sandec/ eawag {{ vc_btn: title=Download+here&style=classic&color=primary&align=center&button_block=true&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Fdrive.google.com%252Ffile%252Fd%252F1DNlt5Y06iBbuK5kIQgu1gc8_QcGfCvN4%252Fview%253Fusp%253Dsharing%7Ctarget%3A_blank }} Simmi Sashi C HED, Kochi {{ vc_btn: title=Download+here&style=classic&color=primary&align=center&button_block=true&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Fdrive.google.com%252Ffile%252Fd%252F1aBBnQcetfukc63V2pNIFAiGNZ4Ltp79l%252Fview%253Fusp%253Dsharing%7Ctarget%3A_blank }}

Deep Dive # 1: Treatment of Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE or e-waste)

Practitioners from Kenya and Brazil talked about what kind of e-waste they receive, how they treat it and where the outputs of their process go. Polls during the webinar Presenters and Presentations Rethabile Moraa (WEE Center, Nairobi, Kenya) She is an enthusiastic youth and environmental steward with experience in e-waste management in Kenya. Her background [...]

Waste Technology Deep Dives

Globally, the solid waste of 3 billion people is not managed in controlled facilities and therefore negatively impacting on the health of the surrounding communities as well as the environment. Assuming an average solid waste generation rate of 0.74 kilogram per person a day, this means that every day 2.2 million tonnes (2,200,000,000 kilograms) of [...]

Lithium-ion EV battery: e-waste, electric mobility and energy nexus

In observance of International E-Waste Day on 14th October 2020, the Urban Pathways project together with the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative organised the Webinar: Lithium-ion EV battery: e-waste, electric mobility and energy nexus During the webinar four factsheets on lithium-ion batteries identifying synergies between e-waste, electric mobility and energy will be presented. The factsheets cover [...]

How to Continue Waste Management Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic

While the current COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly spreading in some countries, thus intensifying its impact upon the world’s healthcare systems and economy, it starts to slowly decrease in other countries. During this time, ensuring reliable and safe municipal solid waste management (MSWM) services provision is a must for all local governments to protect public health [...]

Organic Waste Treatment in Cities of the Global South: Solutions and Case Studies

Organic Waste Treatment in Cities of the Global South: Solutions and Case Studies Webinar Series exploring organic waste treatment options in Africa, Asia and Latin America. English Português Español Française Edit Organic Waste Treatment in Cities of the Global South: Solutions and Case Studies Urban areas are not only responsible for 80% of energy consumption […]

Adopting Tactical Urbanism in Cities

The second part of the Tactical urbanism: What, Why and How? took place on 08th of March 2020. This second part was also organised by the Wuppertal Institute in partnership with the World Resources Institute - India, and presented as a part of the Urban Pathways project, which is funded by the German Federal Environment [...]

Air Quality Sensing Powered by Citizen Science – Webinar Series

AirQuality Sensing Powered by Citizen Science Webinar Series Air pollution affects all regions of the world. However, populations in low-income cities are the most impacted. According to the latest air quality database, 97% of cities in low- and middle- income countries with more than 100,000 inhabitants do not meet WHO air quality guidelines. However, in [...]

Fundamentals of Tactical Urbanism

Tactical Urbanism is the process of transforming cities and reviving unused or underused spaces in a city. The transformed spaces cater for the needs of people rather than providing more space for automobiles.  The first part of the two part Tactical Urbanism webinar held on 18 Feb. 2020 was jointly presented by the World Resources […]

Caminando y Pedaleando por Barrios más Seguros, Amigables y Verdes

Transforming Waste into Wealth: Global Challenge, Local Solutions

The Webinar is one of the activities that will be carried out under the initiative “EnvironMENTALISE“ – Co-creating safe, friendly and green neighbourhoods”, launched by Urban Pathways to promote the implementation of actions that contribute to raise awareness about the environmental, health, social and economic benefits of non-motorised transport, as well as of waste reduction. In order to have a greater impact, as well as to generate synergies and learning on a larger scale, this initiative will be carried out in collaboration with regional and global awareness campaigns such as the Mobility Week, which includes the International Car Free Day, the World Habitat Day, the Waste Wise Cities Campaign, the SDGs summit and the Walk and Cycle to School Day. All of them are happening between September and October.

E-Scooters, Challenges and Opportunities of New Mobility Modes

New mobility modes, such as e-scooters, have expanded very fast in cities in developed and developing countries. These new mobility modes pose both opportunities and challenges for sustainable urban mobility that need to be addressed in a way that supports innovative approaches, provides flexibility and adapts quickly to the changing environments and industries. At the […]

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