An educational dimension in waste management initiatives is critical since it encourages people to become environmentally conscious and to induce behavioural change towards sustainable waste and resource management. That’s why one of the action areas of Waste Wise Cities and African Clean Cities Platform is Advocacy and Education. In 2020, UN-Habitat selected 19 innovative waste education practices that are replicable and scalable at schools around the world. While these best practices are accessible online, we would like to introduce the theory and practical learnings directly to practitioners.
ISWA YPG, has been actively indulging in the education aspect of waste management with the support of a global cohort of professional volunteering to support the activities.
The ISWA YPG Education group, together with Waste Wise Cities of UN-Habitat, the local chapters of ISWA YPG Pakistan and Nepal organized a webinar which presented the South Asian context on environmental education in schools with a focus on solid waste management (SWM) and the South Asian best practices from India, Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan. Similar webinars were conducted showcasing best practices from Africa and Latin America.