More than 100 cities form 42 countries from Africa will convene to exchange knowledge and share good practices towards Clean and Circular Africa Taking Place from 25 to 29 July, 2022.
25-29 July 2022 (12:00 to 15:00 EAT)
Africa’s urbanization rate is 3.5%, the highest in the world. Due to the rapid urbanization in recent years, municipal solid waste management has become a big challenge for many cities, as lower income cities in Africa expected to double their municipal solid waste generation within the next 15-20 years.
In order to address this ever-increasing waste issue, African Clean Cities Platform (ACCP) was established as knowledge sharing and investment promotion platform to achieve waste related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 in rapidly urbanizing Africa. Every three years, ACCP Secretariat hosted by UN-Habitat organizes Assembly to share knowledge and experiences as an official side event of TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development).
Exchanging knowledge and experiences and creating partnerships with people who share the same challenges is a great way for ACCP members and partners to inspire future actions for creating clean cities and shifting towards circular economy. This year, the third ACCP Assembly hosted by Tunis will be held online from 25 to 29 July 2022, at 09.00-12.00 WAT / 10.00-13.00 CAT / 12.00-15.00 EAT, just one month before TICAD 8, allowing ACCP members to meet and capture the outcomes of activities laid out in Yokohama Action Guidance and agree on the ACCP activities in coming three years.
Supported with the digital technologies and the new online format the invitation to participate in the Assembly is extended beyond the ACCP members and is open to interested public.
The Assembly will showcase various scientific findings, cities’ progress towards waste SDGs, good practices, solutions and innovations to realize clean and circular Africa. More than 100 cities from 42 countries from Africa have signed up for this event. Join us!
Learn more about the ACCP and the upcoming assembly here.
Follow ACCP Facebook page for updates (we will livestream the Assembly session there!)