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Resources for Tutors

The NUA Campus is a collaborative e-learning platform developed by the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI). It serves as the knowledge-sharing and dissemination base for the Urban Living Lab Centre (ULLC), which is the first collaboration centre of the UN-HABITAT, in partnership with the Wuppertal Institute, TU Berlin and MIT.

NUA Campus provides structured courses, webinars, training on sustainable urban mobility, and other aspects of sustainable development related to the New Urban Agenda. The material that is available on the NUA campus website is the result of various past and ongoing projects funded by the European Union or other public grants. The material hosted is free to be shared with the required credits to the project that was responsible for its production.

One of the aims of hosting the material on the NUA campus is that academic institutions globally can tap into already developed material and embed such material into existing courses. As a Tutor, you may use either part of or an entire course hosted on the NUA campus. This would give the students a different perspective of the knowledge developed across various geographies.

Many courses on the platform offer a course completion certificate; as a tutor, you may include this certificate as a requisite for students in completing a course that you teach at your institution. You may also include some aspects from the NUA campus in your course, such as the course assignments or reading lists.

Tutors also can ask their students to complete a certain course on the NUA campus during their self-study hours i.e. non-tutoring hours.

Currently, the NUA campus offers courses. Each course comprises lessons, quizzes, assignments and additional material (reading lists and additional videos). Most of the courses are structured as video lectures or webinars.

While each course may look like an inseparable unit, they are very modular. A completely new course can be structured from existing courses, as the lessons can be reused in different courses if they are relevant. The same goes for the assignments and quizzes.

Our current lesson catalogue has about 240 lessons on various topics of sustainable and electric mobility. We are constantly adding content through new projects and contributions from partner organisations, universities, and tutors.

Many cities around the world are deploying e-buses for urban operations, driven mainly by a shift in transport policy toward environmental concerns...
44 Lectures
This course is specifically curated for graduates and recent graduates of engineering streams to get a basic understanding of electric mobility. Th...
20 Lectures
This course will delve into solar energy, unpacking the basic concepts of electricity and energy produced with solar irradiations, the technologica...
7 Lectures
The course centres on crucial themes of information and energy accessibility for communities. It features four lectures covering regional competenc...
7 Lectures
The course centres on crucial themes of information and energy accessibility for communities. It features four lectures covering regional competenc...
5 Lectures
This course will delve into electric mobility, unpacking the basic concepts of e-mobility, which kind benefits e-mobility can bring, how to plan an...
7 Lectures
This course will delve into clean cooking and waste to energy, unpacking the basic concepts of clean cooking, the technological options currently a...
9 Lectures
This course consists of recordings from the regional training held under the SolutionsPlus Project
23 Lectures
This course will delve into solar energy, unpacking the basic concepts of electricity and energy produced with solar irradiations, the technologica...
8 Lectures

Below is a sample course that shows what a course on the NUA campus will look like. The material displayed in this course is the actual content used on the website. The lessons can be reused in other courses with adaptations as necessary. Courses can also be in different languages, and they will be displayed in a similar format. Feel free to explore.

This is a static list and needs manual updating. The actual number of lessons can be more than this list.

Lessons List

Lesson Title Related Course
Basics for solar energy and PV systems Solar energy in SESA
Sizing of solar electrification systems Solar energy in SESA
2023 New Mobility: Post-Pandemic New Mobility Strategies Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Installations, Operations of solar PVs Solar energy in SESA
Maintenance and Safety of solar PVs Solar energy in SESA
Solar energy application Solar energy in SESA
 Suitable condition for PV instalations Solar energy in SESA
Solar PV system designs exercise Solar energy in SESA
Aligning E-Mobility: Wider Context and Objectives Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Applying insights through case studies Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Assessing e-mobility (Example from the Philippines)
Basic clean cooking concepts Clean cooking and waste to energy - SESA
Basics for second life batteries (SLB) Second Life EV Batteries
Benefits of E-Mobility Electrification of the Public Transport
Business models and delivery models for clean cooking solutions Clean cooking and waste to energy - SESA
Case studies of e-mobility Living Labs Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Case Study: India Electrification of Paratransit Services
Case study: The implementation of e-cargo bikes in Quito, Ecuador Electrification of Paratransit Services
Case Study: the PUVMP in the Philippines Electrification of Paratransit Services
Challenges and Success Factors for Recycling Companies
Charging Infrastructure – Introduction for (city) authorities Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Charging Infrastructure – Policy Frameworks Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Charging infrastructure deployment: Experience from Chinese Taipei Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Charging Infrastructure Planning in Public Areas Electric Mobility: A Primer
Charging infrastructure: Characteristics, Planning, Policy and Operation Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Circular design and the value chain Second Life EV Batteries
Climate-proofing, resilience and adaptation SESA Smart Microgrids
Co-creation of Electric Paratransit Services Electrification of Paratransit Services
Collecting Data to Plan for Electrification of Paratransit Services Electrification of Paratransit Services
Competence centre for connectivity and regional information
Contribution of E-Mobility Towards National Climate Change Targets Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Cost-effective and suitable EV charging management SESA
Customer Needs and inclusivity​ Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Deloyment of 3-wheeler paratransit Electrification of Paratransit Services
Deployment of 2-wheeler Paratransit Electrification of the Public Transport Electrification of Paratransit Services
Deployment of 3-wheelers paratransit services Electrification of the Public Transport Electrification of Paratransit Services
Deployment of e 4-wheeler e-paratransit facilities and services Electrification of the Public Transport
Deployment of electric 2-wheelers paratransit services Electrification of Paratransit Services
Deployment of electric 4-wheelers paratransit services Electrification of Paratransit Services
Design Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) Platform as an Intermediary Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Developing a Systematic Approach on E-mobility Electrification of the Public Transport
Developing the Industry at the National Level Electrification of Paratransit Services
Digital inclusion and sustainable development in rural regions
Digitisation of Information Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
E bus deployment worldwide. An exchange with SOLUTIONSplus expert Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
e-Bus charging technologies and strategies: A Review Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
e-Bus Deployment in Europe Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
E-mobility and Behaviour Change: GO-HI Platform Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
E-mobility and Behaviour Change: Lessons from the Coventry Mobility Credits trial Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
E-Mobility as an elements towards meeting the NDC Targets Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
E-mobility Ecosystem and stakeholders Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
E-mobility in SUMP
E-mobility in the transport system Electrification of the Public Transport
E-mobility Planning and Implementation SESA
Elaboration of an Efficient Communication Strategy Electrification of Paratransit Services
Electric buses and integration into public transport systems
Electric Mobility Business Models and Exploitation Pathways
Electric Mobility Ecosystem in India Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Electric mobility within sustainable urban mobility Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Electric Vehicle Policies and Regulation Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Electrification of electric buses and integration into cities’ public transport systems Electrification of the Public Transport
Electrification of Paratransit Services Electrification of the Public Transport
Electrification of Paratransit Services - Actions and Strategies at local level Electrification of Paratransit Services
Electrifying Informal Transportation in India Electrification of Paratransit Services
Energy management systems (EMS) for the optimisation of the profitability of PV electricity self-consumption SESA Smart Microgrids
Establishing village information spot (InfoSpot)
EV's Forecast Electrification of the Public Transport
Existing examples of smart microgrids SESA Smart Microgrids
Experts exchange on electrification of paratransit services Electrification of Paratransit Services
Facts and challenges on urban sustainability Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Financing and procurement models for e-bus implementation: Santiago de Chile Electrification of the Public Transport
Financing options for e-mobility Electric Mobility: A Primer
Financing Sustainable Transport Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Future charging trends: power increase for (very) fast and bi-directional charging Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Getting e-mobility right: Opportunities and requirements (Part 1) Electric Mobility: A Primer
Getting e-mobility right: Opportunities and requirements (Part 2) Electric Mobility: A Primer
Global Competition in Battery Production
Global Distribution of Battery Materials, Refinery, and Production Sites
Global overview on electric buses Electrification of the Public Transport
Guiding Principles for e-mobility implementation Electrification of the Public Transport
Guiding Principles for e-paratransit Implementation Electrification of Paratransit Services
Hanoi in the SolutionsPlus Project Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Holistic, fact-based planning and operation of Zero-emission Buses in an Urban Environment Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
How to diagnose if your city is walkable and bicycle-friendly
How to Make Sustainability Transition Roadmaps - A Transport Case from Southeast Sweden Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Implementing e-Bus systems – Experience from China Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Improving informal transport in eastern Africa with Tom Courtright Electrification of Paratransit Services
Incentives to enhance e-paratransit at national level Electrification of the Public Transport
Incentives to Enhance the E-paratransit Industry at the National Level Electrification of Paratransit Services
Innovation and Business Models Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Installation and operation of solar systems Solar energy in SESA
Installations, Operations, Maintenance for Biogas system Clean cooking and waste to energy - SESA
Installations, Operations, Maintenance for efficient Cook Stoves Clean cooking and waste to energy - SESA
Instruments for financing sustainable urban mobility - international options
Instruments for financing sustainable urban mobility - local options
Instruments for financing sustainable urban mobility - national options
Integrated Planning for E-mobility: emobility in SUMP Electric Mobility: A Primer
Integrating all public and shared mobility options into a one-stop-shop Electrification of the Public Transport
Integrating e-scooters into public transport Electrification of the Public Transport
Integrating Energy and Mobility - Needs, synergies and examples Electric Mobility: A Primer
Integrating Energy and Mobility in low and middle income countries Electric Mobility: A Primer
Intelligent Transportation Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Intelligent Transportation Systems For Smart cities (for MENA region) Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
International Forum on ITS Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Introduction to E-mobility. E-mobility in the sustainable development paradigm
Introduction to electric buses Electrification of the Public Transport
Introduction to Low Carbon Mobility
Introduction to New Business Models
Introduction to smart micro grid systems SESA Smart Microgrids
Introduction to the development of e-bus operations Electrification of the Public Transport
Introduction to the Regional Training – Asia Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Introduction Webinar: Public Procurement and Innovative Financing of Sustainable Urban Transport
Involving New Operators: Paratransit Electrification as a Lever to Include Women Electrification of Paratransit Services
ITS Scientific Conference Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Journey Planning Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Kathmandu in the SolutionsPlus Project Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Key elements for a successful e-bus operation Electrification of the Public Transport
Key takeaways regarding e-paratransit implementation projects Electrification of Paratransit Services
Learning about living labs for sustainable cities
Leveraging Public Transport Reform to Introduce Electric Vehicles in Kigali
Liveable Cities Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Low Emission Zones in urban freight - examples from East Asian cities Electric Mobility: A Primer
MaaS & ITS Exchange Session Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
MaaS Alliance Playbook Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Maintenance and Safety
Maintenance and Safety of Evs and batteries
Managing electric 2/3 wheelers (or LEVs) in Asia Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Mobility as a service
Mobility as a Service and Circular Economy Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Mobility Platforms Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Modelling demand for active mobility - Part 1
Modelling demand for active mobility - Part 2
Module 3 - Promouvoir la mobilité active
Moving away from the status quo and choosing sustainable pathways
Nanjing in the SolutionsPlus Project Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
National and local policies to support the e-mobility uptake Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
National Policies on E-paratransit Electrification of Paratransit Services
National policies to develop e-paratransit Electrification of the Public Transport
National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programs Electric Mobility: A Primer
Necessity and Challenges of the Circular Economy
New Mobility Services' contribution towards Circular Economy Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Open discussion on potential PVs
Opportunities and Global Trends of E-Mobility Electrification of the Public Transport
Optimised fleet operation Electrification of the Public Transport
Overview of the Paratransit Sector: Definition and Typology of Paratransit Services
Paratransit reforms in Lagos and Kumasi Electrification of Paratransit Services
Part 1: Charging technologies for heavy-duty electric vehicles Electrification of the Public Transport
Part 1: Electric bus situation in China Electrification of the Public Transport
Part 2: Charging solutions for electric buses Electrification of the Public Transport
Part 2: Electric bus situation in Indonesia Electrification of the Public Transport
Part 3: Electric bus situation in Europe Electrification of the Public Transport
Part 4: Electric bus situation in Africa Electrification of the Public Transport
Participating in living lab ecosystems Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Pasig City in the SolutionsPlus Project Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Planning for active mobility - Cycling
Planning for active mobility - Walking
Planning for cyclists
Planning for e-paratransit Projects - Importance of Data Collection Electrification of the Public Transport
Planning for Pedestrians
Planning for public transport Electrification of the Public Transport
Planning principles for e-mobility rollout Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Planning the e-mobility for all - Importance of Stakeholder Engagement Electrification of the Public Transport
Planning, procurement and commissioning of e-buses: Case of Madrid Electrification of the Public Transport
Post Course Survey
Présentation du Module 2
Productive use cases in EV. Rural and Urban context
Promising characteristics of living labs Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Providing information on energy
Public and Private sector roles in MaaS schemes Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Public v Private MaaS Debate - Finnish Act on Transport Services Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Quick guide to bus sector modernization Electrification of the Public Transport
Reading Material for Week 1 Electrification of the Public Transport
Reading material for Week 2 Electrification of the Public Transport
Reading Material for Week 3 Electrification of the Public Transport
Reading Material for Week 4
Reading Material for Week 4 (Public Transport) Electrification of the Public Transport
Reflecting about sustainability Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Regional context for electric mobility - Africa Electric Mobility: A Primer
Regulatory and Legal Frameworks for E-paratransit Electrification of Paratransit Services
Regulatory Framework and Legal Framework for e-paratransit Electrification of the Public Transport
Relevant stakeholders and their integration Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Restriction of Behaviour Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Retrofitting of fuel-based vehicles to EV and other
Roles in e-mobility Electric Mobility: A Primer
Rural access to information
S.Korea and Seoul e-Bus Strategies Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Safe e-waste handling. Collection and disposal of e-waste Second Life EV Batteries
Safety for clean cooking solutions Clean cooking and waste to energy - SESA
Second life batteries uses, in less demanding applications Second Life EV Batteries
Second Life Batteries: The Solution For Sustainable Mobility?
Second life battery management, maintenance and safety Second Life EV Batteries
Second life battery uses
Second life Electric Vehicle Batteries
Second life repurposing and recycling of Lithium-ion Electric Vehicle Batteries Second Life EV Batteries
Second life repurposing and recycling of Lithium-ion Electric Vehicle Batteries (Repurposing) Second Life EV Batteries
Shaping sustainable mobility in cities through micro-mobility Electrification of the Public Transport
Smart grid integration models: The role of smart meters SESA Smart Microgrids
Social Consequences of Raw Material Mining
Social dimension of electric mobility Electric Mobility: A Primer
Solar energy application (productive use) Solar energy in SESA
Solar PV system design exercise Solar energy in SESA
SolutionsPlus Project Asia Regional Training on E-Mobility
Sourcing and production or waste-to energy system Clean cooking and waste to energy - SESA
Spatial planning - Sustainable urban mobility and form Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Standards & MaaS - Leverage the existing & Adapt to your needs Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Standards & MaaS - NAPCORE in the Context of MaaS Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Suitable condition for waste to energy installations Clean cooking and waste to energy - SESA
Suitable conditions for PV installations
Sustainable electric mobility
System Specifications Electrification of the Public Transport
Technologies and smart micro-grid integration SESA Smart Microgrids
Technology options for clean cooking solutions Clean cooking and waste to energy - SESA
The Case Study of Quito, Ecuador
The Procurement and Commissioning Process Electrification of the Public Transport
The Vital Role of Paratransit in Sustainable Urban Mobility Electrification of Paratransit Services
Ticketing Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Tools for Optimizing ​ and ​ Sizing Storage Systems SESA Smart Microgrids
Traffic Management Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Training for urban mobility and planners
Treatment of organic waste: Anaerobic Digestion Clean cooking and waste to energy - SESA
Understanding and improving living labs Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Understanding demand for active mobility - Part 1
Understanding demand for active mobility - Part 2
Urban Design and Mobility the Whole Journey Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Urban design and transport for low carbon cities
Urban Transformation: The Impact of New Mobility Solutions on City Landscapes Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
UVARs, LEZ and ZEZ as enablers for climate-neutrality Electric Mobility: A Primer
Vehicle sharing Implementing e-Mobility through Urban Living Labs
Webinar: 'Digital Solutions for Mapping Informal Transport' Electrification of Paratransit Services
Webinar: Data Management and Exploitation for Sustainable Urban Mobility
What does Low Carbon Mobility include?
What is MaaS?​ Mobility as a Service and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
What is Public Transit System? Electrification of the Public Transport
Which parts of the EV differ from the ICE Electrification of the Public Transport
Why we need Public Transport Electrification of the Public Transport

Courses on the NUA Campus have varied durations depending on the topic. We are trying to streamline the courses so that new courses are at least 30 hours long. This means that the student’s total effort includes lecture time, in-course assessments, assignments, and additional reading.

As courses are structured in a modular way, you may choose to include the entire course or only a part of the course in your curriculum if you embed the material.

If you have any recorded videos that you use for your lectures and wish to share them with a global audience, you are more than welcome to contribute your videos to the NUA Campus. You discuss with the NUA Campus team and develop a new course that could either be made entirely with your content or be a mix of both existing material and your content.

All the material hosted on the NUA Campus is free to share, such as a CreativeCommons license. If you are using the content, an attribution must be given to the project responsible for creating the content.

On the NUA Campus, we require users to register. Registration is at no cost. The registration helps us to gather insights on how the material is being used and can provide valuable feedback to the projects that produced the material.

We can also distinguish between a tutor and a course taker through registration. Tutors can have special access rights, which is possible only through registration.

With registration, we can also monitor the progress of the course takers and grant certificates, which is useful to you as a tutor.

The NUA Campus does not request any monetary contribution towards using the material. You can use the material in a course in a degree or a similar program that requires tuition fees. Such a transaction is between the university or a certifying institution and the course taker.

All the material that is currently provided on the NUA Campus is in English. While we acknowledge the need for material in other languages, especially Spanish and French. We are also working with partner universities in these regions to develop material in these languages. If you have material that you are willing to share then we are glad to discuss the options.

As we have registration on the platform, your students can register on the NUA campus using their university or school’s email address. Once the student has enrolled, we can give you the details of each of the student’s progress upon request. For courses where you are an instructor, i.e. a course curated by you, you can be added as an instructor to the website, and you can monitor the progress of your students and also see the interest from other students who take your course.

As mentioned before, all the material provided on the NUA Campus is a result of funded projects. This means that the project already pays for the costs of producing the material.

Any material produced from a non-project activity is considered a contribution to the NUA Campus, and we cannot reimburse the cost of making such material. Nevertheless, if you have any ideas for developing courses, then please get in touch with us, and we can find an amicable way.

Interested in contributing to the NUA Campus?

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