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Building Small and Medium Local Authorities’ capacity to introduce Innovative Transport Schemes

To increase the capacity of S-M cities, to implement and monitor the Innovative Transport Schemes (InnoTS) measures throughout policymaking, budgeting, ... Show more
37 Students enrolled
  • Description
  • Curriculum

Course Overview

This course is designed to build and/or strengthen the capacity of small-medium cities’ Local Authorities to facing current challenges when implementing innovative transport schemes, i.e car-sharing, ridesharing (carpooling – vanpooling), bike – sharing, MaaS etc.

Who is this course for?

The course is aimed mainly at transport planners in local authorities of small and medium sized cities. Other interested individuals are also welcome, e.g. from consultancies or recent graduates.

Overall aim of the course

To increase the capacity of S-M cities, to implement and monitor the Innovative Transport Schemes (InnoTS) measures throughout policymaking, budgeting, designing and facing the current challenges when implementing these measures.

Specific objectives of the course

Increasing the understanding about the value of InnoTS in our cities, the effects/cost of lack of urban mobility regulations, the operators and the economy of the city, the stakeholders involved and their needs and about the concept and methodology for implementing InnoTS measures while being able to recognise or find out the needs of urban freight transport users.

Building specific skills regarding how success of the measures can be ensured

  • By convincing stakeholders and by overcoming financial, legal, administrative and technical barriers

Specifically, the course is designed to:

  • Strengthen cooperation between LA’s staff
  • Advance local priorities on InnoTS
  • Offer concrete practical tools and guidance to better implement these Schemes
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